SC Vinha investment management system modernizes Componenta Oyj’s investment process – Quick implementation was crucial to the process

Componenta Oyj, Finland’s leading contract manufacturer in the mechanical engineering industry, has adopted the SC Vinha investment management system. The adoption took place in May 2024.

“We chose SC Vinha because we wanted to digitalize our investment management with a program offering flexible development that we could trust to work. It was great to see a concrete demo right from the start showing how the software could be tailored to our needs. The initial impressions are incredibly positive, many things have simplified, and the staff has been satisfied with SC Vinha”, summarizes Treasury Controller Annika Vierinkari, who led the implementation process.

From manual investment processes to modern digital operations

According to Vierinkari, Componenta Oyj’s investment management has improved after just a month of using SC Vinha. The adoption of SC Vinha has been considered a significant step forward for the company, as it has simplified and accelerated investment approval processes that were previously entirely manual. The financial monitoring and cash flow impacts of investments are now both more transparent and more predictable, according to Vierinkari. 

“We chose SC Vinha to digitalize our investment management with a program offering flexible development that we could trust to work. It was great to see a concrete demo right from the start showing how the software could be tailored to our needs.” Annika Vierinkari, Treasury Controller, Componenta Oyj

“The approval stage of the investment process used to take longer, as signatures had to be obtained on printed paper forms. Now, with SC Vinha, approvers receive notifications directly to their email and they can provide approvals within the system. Investment information is now in one place rather than scattered across different folders, making documentation more transparent. There has been a significant change in investment financial tracking: SC Vinha automatically provides actuals for investments, and budgets and forecasts are kept up to date in the system. The monitoring of investment finances becomes easier and quicker”, Vierinkari explains. 

SC Vinha’s quick implementation surprised the entire organization

The implementation of SC Vinha at Componenta Oyj was experienced as a smooth and swift process. Vierinkari found the reform project exceptionally manageable, even though she primarily managed the project alone. Preparatory work was efficiently handled with the help of other staff members within the group. Training sessions organized by SC Software were conducted in small segments, leaving enough time for learning new things. Now that Vierinkari has trained the staff on SC Vinha and real investments have been processed through the system, the ease of use has become evident. According to Vierinkari, the staff has found SC Vinha clear and straightforward to use, even if they don’t need to use the system daily. 

“Despite being a project that covered the entire group, it positively surprised us. We agree with SC that the project progressed smoothly overall.” Annika Vierinkari, Treasury Controller, Componenta Oyj

“Adopting a new system always requires time and changes to internal processes. With SC Vinha, users seem to easily understand why changes are needed in their operations. There is still more to learn, but we are on the right track”, Vierinkari says. “We avoided time-consuming and risky data migrations by implementing SC Vinha gradually. The system was thoroughly tested before deployment. Despite being a project that covered the entire group, it positively surprised us. We agree with SC that the project progressed smoothly overall.” 

Responsive and flexible collaboration with SC Software

“We have been satisfied with our collaboration with SC Software since the very beginning. All the questions we raised were taken into consideration, all problems were quickly resolved, and we reached mutual understanding right from the start”, Vierinkari explains. “I believe that our collaboration will continue to be just as fruitful in the future. We look forward to seeing the benefits of SC Vinha in investment financial tracking and portfolio management, which will become more apparent as we continue active use.”

SC Software’s Head of Business Unit, Mari Niemelä, agrees with Vierinkari. “The implementation of the service went very well, and the collaboration has been excellent. It’s great that we have been able to keep our promises and deliver positive experiences”, Niemelä states. 

SC Vinha is a comprehensive solution for investment management. It offers tools for investment lifecycle and portfolio management as a lightweight, quick-to-implement SaaS service. With SC Vinha, you can reduce unnecessary manual investigations, increase transparency and predictability in investment finances, and ensure that investments support your organization’s competitiveness now and, in the future, across all corporate entities.

Learn more about SC Vinha | Capital Expenditure Management Solution

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