The importance of digital services will continue to grow for trade union members and stakeholders. With a digital service portal, a union can provide its customers a targeted, fast and secure way to deal with all the union matters – in one service point.
Ease-of-use increase customer satisfaction
SC Online Service Portal offer a customer an effortless way to deal with the union matters when it best suits the customer. They also reduce workload of the union’s professionals, speed up service and increase customer satisfaction. We have payed special attention to security, ease-of-use and accessibility of the digital service portals.
Safe and centralized communication
SC Service Portal requires strong authentication from the user and grants access based on the identified user’s rights, enhancing the security of the transactions and communication between the union and its members.
The user can easily update their personal information in their own profile. Service cases are easy to initiate through ready-made forms, and the customer is able to follow the progress of their cases in the portal.